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Covid-19 Protocols and Procedures

Dear Moshava Alevy family,


We are planning for an amazing Summer 2021 at Moshava Alevy. This summer, our goal at Moshava Alevy remains the same: to provide our chanichim and chanichot with a meaningful, memorable, and fun summer!


We have hired Jon Mosery, M.D. to help us prepare and safely open camp for Summer 2021. Jon has spent a number of summers at Moshava Alevy and is excited to be returning this summer. Jon will be guiding our COVID-19 preparations and will be in camp for the whole summer to implement and oversee our measures and policies. Jon and the rest of our staff will be doing everything possible to make sure this summer is a great, and that all our chanichim/ot and tzevet are happy and healthy! 


In order to create our guidelines, Jon and our medical team have been studying the medical literature, recent scientific studies, advisories from the Centers for Disease Control, other camps’ policies, and any other relevant reliable literature that can help us prepare for the summer. We will structure our policies and recommendations based on this growing body of scientific research. 


We know that for this summer, more than ever, communication is key! We believe that continuous, open, and timely communication with our community, families, chanichim/ot and tzevet is essential. As such, we will be posting updates as often as we can to keep you informed about what we are thinking, planning, and doing. 


Below you will find the current update of guidelines for Summer 2021. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at


We look forward to an amazing summer!


Kol tuv,

Avi Matanky


COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures


Activities and Meals

While there will be modifications to this summer’s camp program, we will be offering all of the same great activities this summer (and more!). To facilitate this, we will be building a few large tents in different locations around our site and moving activities and meals to these open-air areas. 


Before Camp

All families are asked to change their childrens’ exposure behaviors 10 days prior to arrival at camp. During this 10-day period, we ask that all campers and family members avoid attendance at large gatherings (more than 20 people), and all unmasked and non-distanced interactions with individuals outside of your household. Attendance at school is permitted. 


Camp-Wide Secure Environment

Moshava Alevy is working to create a camp-wide secure environment to protect against the transmission of COVID-19 from outside and within the camp population. Once the proper protocols for screening and testing are followed at the start of each camp session and the initial quarantine period has been completed, campers and staff members will be considered part of the secure environment and will not interact with anyone outside who has not been similarly tested.


Camper Travel

  • Travel to Camp for Southern California Campers: We ask that parents bring their kids to camp in Running Springs. We will have a staggered dropoff between 10 AM and 4 PM and a designated drop-zone where we will accept your campers. Parents will not be permitted to leave the vehicle, aside from you using a pre-assigned restroom. We will also provide snacks/drinks for you upon arrival and recommendations for some great things to do and see nearby!

  • Travel to Camp for Non-Southern California Campers: We will be providing transportation from LAX airport to all campers who live outside of Southern California. Campers will be required to wear masks throughout the duration of their travel, including on the bus from the airport to camp. The bus will be departing LAX airport at 1 PM.


Covid-19 Testing

  • Pre-Camp: We are requiring all campers and staff to independently get a PCR COVID-19 test prior to arrival at camp. Results can be uploaded to the staff or camper’s CampInTouch account in CampMinder.

    • Campers: PCR COVID-19 test MUST be taken during the week of:  

      • First Session Campers: June 13-June 18

      • Second Session Camper: July 11-July 16

    • Staff: PCR COVID-19 test MUST be taken during the week of:  

      • First Session Campers: June 9-June 14

      • Second Session Camper: July 7-July 13

    • Campers and Staff Flying to Camp: Campers and staff who are flying to Southern California will be required to take a PCR Covid-19 test within 72 hours before departure. That test will count as your test prior to camp. Masks must be worn throughout the entire duration of travel.

  • During Camp: Antigen testing (Rapid) will be administered to all campers and staff upon arrival. Additionally, we will be administering a PCR Covid-19 test to all campers and staff during the first week of each session.


Contact Tracing

A select few senior staff members will be undergoing training for ‘Contact Tracing’ in the event we need to perform an investigation at camp. The training program is prepared by Johns Hopkins University.



We're planning another great summer of trips and outdoor activities for Machal. Machal will be travelling as a 'bubble' to some incredible State and National Parks. They will have a dedicated (and vaccinated) staff member who will provide support for them; including the facilitation of any contact with the 'outside world'. This will ensure that Machal will have the freedom to explore and experience some great adventures without worry.



Camp will be operating at 60% capacity this summer. This means that instead of our usual 160-175 campers per session, we will only enroll 130-140 campers per session this summer. Space is limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.



The American Camp Association (ACA) has lobbied the CDC to include camp workers as essential childcare workers. Per the CDC’s Recommended Vaccination Phase, many of our staff fall under Phase 1b and are eligible to be vaccinated. We are working to make sure as many as our staff as possible are vaccinated before the summer.



There will be no visitors or guests this summer.

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