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  • Is my child ready for camp?
    Starting overnight camp is a big step in the lives of many children (and parents). It is not unusual for children to be on the fence about whether they feel ready to spend two weeks or a month away from home. If you are considering registering your child, we suggest that you first become comfortable with our program. Children often sense a parent’s concern and that can add to their own fears. We are very proud of our child-centered program and we are always happy to speak to prospective parents about whether Moshava is right for your child. Once you feel comfortable with our program, the next step is to spend time in conversation with your child. Take a look at our website together, watch a camp video, and talk to your child about your faith and confidence in the camp staff. Help your child feel that he/she is going to a safe and fun place. Please do not promise your child that you will come and pick them up if they are unhappy- in our experience, this makes adjustment more difficult for the child. Take your time and once you and your child are ready, go ahead and fill out our application.
  • How does Kaytana differ from the regular camp program?
    Kaytana is designed as an introduction to overnight camp for our youngest campers (entering grades 3-5) who may not yet be ready for the full experience. The program is two weeks rather than 27 days. Our bunk sizes are smaller, with a higher ratio of counselors to campers. We handpick counselors who are particularly experienced and prepared to work with young children, and have a program coordinator specifically designated for Kaytana. We adjust the daily schedule, building in more down time and longer breaks, and we are careful about structuring participation in full camp programs like color war to ensure that the experience Kaytana campers have is appropriate and not overwhelming for the campers.
  • Do you have a visiting day?
    To preserve the integrity of the camper experience, there is no visiting day during the summer.
  • Can I send packages to campers?
    We do not allow parents, family members, or friends send packages to their campers in camp. We havee this policy because: Packages create jealousy and resentment among campers in the cabin Packages create jealousy and resentment among parents of campers in the cabin Packages create a sense of anxiety for parents who run around town looking for “just the right thing” to send to their children who don’t need anything. Packages create a logistical nightmare for camp in general as we have limited room in the mail room to store them, limited staff to sort them and limited space in the camper bunks. We DO understand that you may have forgotten to pack your child’s pillowcases, special shampoo, sweatshirt, or another necessity. If you feel that this is the case, or if you are uncertain and think you may be “crossing the line” from necessity to special gift, please call our office. 😊
  • How old are your counselors?
    We take great pride in our staff at Moshava. The youngest madrichim (counselors) that we hire are rising high school seniors, and many of our counselors are high school graduates. We engage in a thorough hiring process, including individual interviews, background checks, and follow up with at least 3 references for every staff member we hire. We have a rigorous and thorough staff training process, including a required pre-camp training at camp before the campers arrive, all to ensure that our staff are well prepared to take on the great responsibility of caring for children.
  • Tell me about your medical team
    Moshava has at least one full time nurse on site and on call 24 hours a day. We have regular infirmary hours morning, afternoon, and evening. We also partner with PM Pediatrics for telemedicine appointments. In addition, our staff are trained in basic first aid. In an emergency, the nearest hospital is 9 miles and 15 minutes from camp.
  • What is the weather like at camp?
    The weather is beautiful of course! Most days are in the 70s-80s range. At night it can cool down into the 60s and even the 50s, so we recommend sending warm and comfortable sweatpants and sweatshirts. 🌦️
  • Do you offer scholarships?
    Yes! We participate in the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s One Happy Camper (OHC) program. OHC offers grants of up to $1,000 for first time campers ($750 for Kaytana). These grants are typically for children who are NOT in Jewish day schools though you can contact your local Federation to find out if your child is eligible.
  • Where is the camp?
    In summer 2015 we moved to our beautiful new home, the Dovid Oved Retreat Center, located in Running Springs in the picturesque San Bernardino Mountains. We are less than two hours from Los Angeles!
  • Do you have an electronics policy?
    We encourage and support healthy social interaction in the summer. Campers develop important life skills at camp, including coping mechanisms, social skills, independence, and conflict resolution. We appreciate your partnership in helping campers adhere to the following strictly enforced camp rules: No cell phones are allowed in camp. If you send your child with a cell phone for the trip to camp, it MUST be turned in to our office upon arrival, where we will safely store it in the camp safe and return it the night before camp ends so your child can charge it for the return trip home. We will supply Machal campers with emergency phone for hikes as needed. No electronic devices with video capacity are allowed in camp (including iPods with video, Kindle Fires, laptops, iPads, and all similar devices). No gaming systems are allowed in camp. We allow music-only devices, though they may be used only during down time and not during regular programming hours. We will remove and store music devices that contain inappropriate music/lyrics, so please review the music choices that are on your child’s device prior to sending to camp. We allow cameras. Use of a smartphone or other device with multiple capabilities as a camera is not allowed.
  • Where do Moshava Alevy campers come from?
    The Greater LA area is the largest individual feeder for camp, but campers come to Moshava Alevy from near and far. We have campers from up and down the West Coast, the East Coast, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Toronto, from Alaska, from Mexico and Israel. We can certainly guarantee that your child will meet and befriend children he/she would never have met otherwise!
  • How does transportation to camp work?
    Supervised bus transportation from Los Angeles is included in the price of tuition. We help arrange group travel and provide a chaperone for any city outside LA with more than 5 campers attending Moshava. Please be in touch with us at with any travel related questions.
  • Tell me about your daily activities
    Moshava Alevy offers an exciting and well rounded camp program. We have excellent sports facilities, including basketball, hockey, tennis, volleyball, and handball courts and soccer and baseball fields. We have a terrific high and low ropes course and archery range. We have a beautiful pool for regular swim, and we are a short drive from a lake and water sports. We have a nature program, including garden and petting zoo. And we offer an amazing arts program, including music, dance, drama, fine arts, ceramics, and photography.
  • Tell me about your educational program
    At Moshava, chinuch (education) is at the core of everything we do. Each summer we focus on a different period of Jewish history that we bring to life for our campers and staff through daily arts, music, theater, special evening activities, daily shiurim (learning activities), and even the bunk names. Education is an integrated and holistic element of the camp experience, and best of all, it’s a ton of fun. Expect to have your child come home and tell you that learning was a highlight of the summer.
  • What is your tipping policy?
    It is the long established policy of Bnei Akiva and the American Camp Association to prohibit tipping or gift giving to members of the staff. This policy reflects our desire to create an equitable environment for staff and to ensure that every camper receives the same quality of care. However, gifts to the Moshava Alevy Scholarship Fund are much appreciated and are of great benefit not only to the recipient children, but also to the total camp program. These donations are tax-deductible.





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